EUROPA-MEISTER 2017-1-AT01-KA202-035095 – Auf dem Weg zu einem europäischen Qualitätssiegel für das Handwerk
EUROPA-MEISTER – Towards a European quality label for the crafts
Project website: https://europameister.htl-baden.ac.at/
More information and registration
Here are some key facts of the project:
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Main objective of the project: The development of innovation
Partners and countries: Austria, German, Belgium, Norway, Slovenia and the UNIEP (Union Internationale des Entrepreneurs de Peinture)
HTL Baden, painting school Leesdorf – charitable association of patrons of the painting trade and its educational institutions (Austria)
Guild of Painters and Decorators Lower Austria (Austria)
NTI-MMM Multilateral Monitoring and Management (Norway)
Saxon Educational Society for Environmental Protection and Chemistry Dresden mbH (Germany)
Project start: October 2017
Project end: August 2020
Background and aims
EUROPA-MEISTER has committed itself to the protection and dissemination of the QUALITY STANDARDS which are the basis of the Meister (level 6 in the European Qualifications Framework). EUROPA-MEISTER wants to bring new life to the Meister at European level. In addition to the creativity in the painter’s trade, the focus is also on the protection of assets and the preservation of property. Here, if the quality requirements are reduced, results are enormous consequential costs due to deficiencies and structural damage due to lack of knowledge. In addition, training places are no longer available, because there is no longer any qualification for training in the painting enterprises without Meisters.
The expression of this vision is the concrete objective of the project to create the EUROPEAN MEISTERBRIEF in the painter’s trade, which is awarded as a quality label by the European umbrella organization UNIEP, and is intended to act as a model for other craft sectors.
In order to achieve this goal, five stages or partial targets are to be achieved:
- Description of a competence profile for the painting trade in level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework
This consists of a basic matrix of common units of learning outcomes and country-specific supplements. The learning outcomes are described in the form of knowledge, skills and competences. All country-specific technical standards, notices and legal frameworks are observed.
- Creation of a multilingual competency profile in the Skillsbank database
The competency matrix created in stage 1 is entered as a second step in accordance with ECVET and EQR criteria in Skillsbank. Skillsbank works multilingually. Therefore, the second step is used to simultaneously create versions of the competency matrix in all country languages of the project partners involved.
- Description of procedures / guidelines for the cooperation of European master schools (network) for the Painter’s craft, to enable Meister apprentices from the European countries to acquire the EUROPEAN MEISTERBRIEF
After the creation of the basics (competency description) in the first two stages it is described how the competencies described can be acquired by participants (Meister apprentices) in order to receive the EUROPEAN MEISTERBRIEF. There is a network of complementary European master schools to be established. Procedures and guidelines must be defined for their cooperation. These include, inter alia, definitions regarding the implementation of e-learning and mobility abroad within the framework of the Meister training . Participating Meister schools demonstrate how far they can implement the required content. Missing content is supplemented in cooperation with suitable partners in the network.
- Development of a e-learning course system for cross-border Meistertraining and pilot test (“EUROPA-WALZ”) with selected Meister apprentices
- EUROPEAN MEISTERBRIEF, awarded and approved by UNIEP
The last stage and the project objective is the EUROPEAN MEISTERBRIEF. For this purpose, an examination or control commission is created, which consists of members of different European countries who are appointed by UNIEP. Uniform results control and uniform regulations are carried out. UNIEP will establish and apply the EUROPEAN MEISTER / MEISTERBRIEF as a quality label. The EUROPA-MEISTER will serve as a model for other craft trades.
EUROPA-MEISTER responds to a European problem with a European solution.
The products of the project will contribute to providing the companies of the painter’s craft with better trained managers, who in turn can train painters themselves. Thus, the project addresses the objectives of the European Training Alliance. The composition of the consortium creates the partnership between actors of the education system and the working world required by the Alliance.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.