Project website: https://www.paintingskillsacademy.eu/
It aims to merge all the other previous projects for the sector with the establishment of a structure for initial and further training for the European Painting trade under the umbrella of UNIEP.
The project started in December 2019 and will last for 3 years, is based on needs specified here for the painting trade, but relevant to many areas of European craft:
The main activities developed within the project include the description of quality standards and units of learning outcomes (level 1-6 EQF), the description of curricula, the recognition of acquired competencies and the correct assignment to the PSA competency level on level 1-6 EQF (methods / procedures) and the formulation of specific PSA training offers (for the different target groups at the different EQF levels, for learning at different learning locations in Europe).
- VET must become more attractive to young people; more young people need to be won for crafts.
- Lack of knowledge, skills and competences inevitably lead to poor processing of orders and to economic damage.
- VET in the European context is underdeveloped, however, quality or flawless execution is important in all countries.
If the needs are relevant to many other craft trades, the solutions must be as well. Therefore, PSA develops products for the painting trade and shows how to use them in other sectors.
It describes quality standards and units of learning outcomes at levels 1-6 of the EQF.
Based on these standards, curricula are described, providing a statement on how the learning outcomes can be acquired, ensuring an adequate share of WBL, digital and green skills as well as cross-border mobility.
In order to ensure the recognition of prior learning (RPL) and the correct assignment to competence level 1-6, assessment mechanisms are established. On the basis of the standards and curricula, concrete training provisions are formulated. For country-specific supplements, transnational joint programs are developed in which learners can complete training periods at various European learning locations.
PaintingSkillsAcademy will be established as a self-supporting structure for initial and further VET for the European painting trade. It will be supervised by a new panel of experts of the umbrella organization UNIEP. As a structure for end-to-end VET at all relevant EQF levels, supported by key stakeholders in the sector, it aims to help improve the employability of young people and thus contribute to the development of a skilled, highly qualified and mobile workforce for the European labour market. It shall serve as best practice model for transfer to other sectors of the European crafts and to increase the attractiveness of VET in general.
Head of the project coordination:
- SBG Dresden mbH (SBG)
- Union internationale des entrepreneurs de peinture (UNIEP)
- European Painting Partners (EPP)
Scientific support and monitoring:
- EUROMASC – European Masters of Skilled Crafts
- Imanovation
- Wiener Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Bildungsforschung (WIAB)
- NTI-MMM – Multilateral Monitoring and Management
- TU Graz, Fakultät für Architektur, Institut für Raumgestaltung
VET providers:
- Kecskeméti Szakképzési Centrum
- Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Baden, Malerschule Leesdorf (HTL)
- IÐAN fræðslusetur
- Střední škola stavební a strojní Teplice
Competent bodies, regulatory tasks, etc. :
- Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
- Institut für angewandte Gewerbeforschung (IAGF)
- Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije (OZS)
- Štátny inštitút odborného vzdelávania (ŠIOV)
- Conseil des Pouvoirs organisateurs de l’ Enseignement Officiel Neutre Subventionné (CPEONS)
National and regional professional associations:
- Cech malířů, lakýrníků a tapetářů ČR
- Landesinnungsverband des Bayerischen Maler-und Lackiererhandwerks
- Landesinnung der Maler und Tapezierer Niederösterreich
- Danske Malermestre
- Innung Dresden des Maler- und Lackiererhandwerkes
- Painting & Decorating Association (PDA)