Project Reference: 2021-1-NO01-KA220-VET-000029621
Project period: 01/01/2022 – 30/08/2024
For updated project information please visit the project website
THE COVID PANDEMIC HAS ACCELERATED the trend of digitalisation of labour markets. The ARtemis project
recognises the resulting higher demand for digital and related skills, expressed in the revised 2020 EU skills agenda, the
Pact of Skills and the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) which focus on targeted policies that can facilitate the
upskilling and reskilling of EU citizens. It supports vocational training staff in dealing with modern, digital tools where there
is currently little or no experience with respect to new technologies as AR, VR, 360 ° videos and 3D (bio-) printing. IN
of digital readiness, resilience and capacity” is valid. The focus is integration of these new technologies in work-based
learning settings / practical training. This will increase the digital capacity and readiness of the involved institutions and
beyond towards the use of AR, VR, 360° video and 3D (bio-) printing. Resulting tailor-made teaching and learning
materials will be developed, tested, evaluated, and transferred. This will result in the enrichment of existing and
implementation of new communication and collaboration forms (shift from a teacher-centred to learner-centred with peer
learning), which can be carried out (a-)synchronously, direct, or indirect or spatially separated. The focus on green
professions enables the development of relevant digital skills for teaching personnel in VET. An experimental inclusion of
participants with special needs in this context will be targeted by supporting dyslectic participants with mixed reality
experiences as a compensatory measure where visual input can serve as a partial substitute to textual presentations. All
activities will be undertaken in an equal opportunity and gender-neutral perspective. THE INITIATION, SUPPORT AND
CONSOLIDATION of these qualification and structural processes will be achieved through the development of didactic
guidelines (WP 1: Digitalisation Expert in VET). The base is the DIGICOMPEDU framework. The inclusion of the ARtemis
technologies into existing WBL settings or the creation of new formats (WP 2) enables a tailor-made qualification in the
three didactic innovation training hubs for floristry, landscaping, and biology (WP 3). THE PRIORITY “CONTRIBUTING
TO INNOVATION in vocational education and training” is also selected as ARtemis creates a structured “mixed reality”
opportunity for initial and further qualification of teaching and mentoring staff in VET targeting floristry, landscaping, and
biology. This supports individually and structurally the competence development of in-company trainers and VET teachers
with digital skills to develop and implement more relevant or new teaching and learning approaches. It contributes to
increase the attractiveness of the role of trainer. THIS PIONEERING INITIATIVE ENABLES new and interactive teaching
and learning materials, enriched or created with AR, VR, 360 ° videos and 3D (bio) printing in an integrated way. The
basis is the provision of knowledge and the spreading of technologies to understand, adapt and apply effectively and
interactively at the same time. The use of the ARtemis media can then lead to an increase in motivation and an
improvement in the learning performance of trainees and students. ARtemis supports the exchange of specialist
knowledge and professional competences between trainers and teaching staff within an organisation as well as between
the respective pilot organisations with a transfer potential to other organisations and industries. THROUGH ARTEMIS
VET PROVIDERS can adapt their offers of digital and green skills qualifications according to company demand. The
professional further education of company trainers is in focus as required by EU initiatives on work-based learning and
the new Digital Education Action Plan
PROJECT OUTPUTSDESCRIPTIONSO1: Didactic guidelines for training staff in green
professionsO2: Learning scenarios03: Immersive training hubs for AR/VR and 3D (bio-) printing for establishing innovative didactic WBL settings in green professions (“ARtemis hubs”)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.