Skillstube is an extension or multiplier of the Skillsbank project (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science: Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation 2011-1-1-NO1-LEO05-03275). Skillsbank is a web based toolkit using ECVET principles to structure LOs into matrixes of qualifications. Skillsbank targets career guidance, recognition of prior learning and individual training support. Skillstube will also be linked to YOMTOOL (NTI-MMM: Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation 2011-1-N01LEOOS-03276) which is a mobility toolbox integrating ECVET approaches.

The context of the Skillstube project is the use of ECVET principles for precise descriptions of  Learning Outcomes (LOs) structured into units. The descriptions of LOs may be highly precise through the differentiation into specified Competences, Knowledge and Skills. However, this form of competence documentation fails to capture tacit knowledge – which cannot be correctly described and documented through verbal articulation or written descriptions. A better alternative to document such competences and skills would be through practical performance. With a distinction between competences that can be fully described by verbal means, and competences that can only be fully documented through illustration, video recordings of practical performances can serve as a valuable tool to document the tacit knowledge.

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